Member Lead Insight & Exchange- Neurodiversity and mental health

27 Apr 2023 09:00 - 10:15
This Member event will consider the intersectionality between neurodiversity and mental health in the workplace
Our first contributor will be Dr Gill MacLeod, Senior Executive Occupational Health Physician at HCA , has over 30 years of experience of working in the City. Dr MacLeod has a particular focus on complex cases, mental health and neurodiversity. She will talk to what businesses should be aware of and what positive action they can take in terms of protecting, supporting and creating positive mental health for employees who are neurodivergent.
Attendees will also have a chance to hear from other members about what practical steps they are taking, and what does and doesn't work.
Members should have received an invitation with details of how you can register for the event. If you have not received it, please email for more details.