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Thriving at Work Assessment


Our Thriving At Work Assessment helps you measure your progress on building a mentally healthy workplace.


We can help you to identify your strengths and areas for development in terms of workplace mental health. Our Thriving at Work Assessment is an evaluation and benchmarking tool for organisations to measure their progress in developing mentally healthy workplaces. It is based on our Thriving at Work Guide, a framework of evidence-based standards for organisations to adopt in developing their wellbeing strategies. The tool measures the following areas:

  • Communication and engagement
  • Skills development
  • Working environment
  • People management
  • Leadership and accountability
  • Monitoring and disclosure
  • Interventions and support

Benefits of the Assessment

  • Benchmark your organisation’s approach to mental health and workplace wellbeing against other leading organisations
  • Provide a gap analysis against the Thriving at Work UK Framework that will help identify future priorities
  • A confidential organisation report and face-to-face feedback and consultancy
  • Measure year on year progress (for those that complete the assessment on an annual basis)
  • Thriving at Work Digital Badge (for organisations achieving required standard)

A personalised report

After completing the assessment, you will receive a report and personalised feedback. This will highlight best practice, identify areas for improvement, and provide benchmarking information and guidance on how you can further develop your wellbeing strategies. Your report results are kept strictly confidential.

Accreditation & Recognition

Upon completion of the Assessment, and subject to achieving the required standard, you will be awarded the Thriving at Work Accreditation Mark. The level awarded will be based upon your assessment score.


Members: included in membership

Non-members: contact us for pricing, further information and to see a sample report.


The Thriving at Work Assessment has been a useful tool for the Bank in evaluating our approach to mental health. The submission questionnaire is easy to use, and the feedback we receive afterwards has been integral in the way we have developed the Bank’s mental health agenda. Not only has it encouraged us in areas where we have done valuable work, but it has clearly identified for us where we should direct efforts to improve.

Wellbeing Lead
Bank of England