Thriving from the Start: Setting Boundaries for Positive Wellbeing

24 May 2023 12:00 - 12:55
Please join us for our next Thriving From The Start Network virtual panel event on setting boundaries for positive wellbeing.
Many young people are feeling overwhelmed and unmanageably busy in this current time. The world has been a turbulent and fluctuating place, both in terms of work, personal lives and social media. Given the amount of time and energy dedicated to our work, it is possible that this feeling of overwhelm is fuelled by taking on too much in both our professional and personal lives, to the detriment of our wellbeing. Whether this is propagated by anxiety, imposter syndrome, or toxic perfectionism, this event will explore what contributes to this phenomenon.
As well as hearing personal stories of early career professionals who have experienced this, a qualified CMHA trainer will also lead a learning portion of the session to explore why it is important to set boundaries, and how we can practically and professionally do so.
Speakers will include:
- Olivia Boutwood (Benefits Associate, Morgan Stanley)
- Will Banks (Lead Policy Analyst, Bank of England)
- Melanie Atwood (HR Advisor, Louis Vuitton)
This is an open event for all, and may be of particular interest to those who are early in their career, about to begin their career journey, or those who work with young people (e.g. line managers, Early Careers Recruitment teams). Pl ease do invite any friends, colleagues or networks who may find this conversation helpful.
The CMHA’s Thriving From The Start Network is a free mental health network, which is run by people in their early careers for people in their early careers. It is also for those who are soon to start.
If you would like to join the Network and be kept up to date with future events and resources, please sign up here: Thriving From The Start Network news and events.