Managing anxiety and stress during periods of uncertainty and change

21 Mar 2024 09:00 - 10:00
Workplace changes can trigger anxiety for many employees, especially if they involve uncertainty and disruption. In the current challenging economic climate, many businesses, including our members are undergoing significant organisational changes, and in some circumstances redundancies.
In addition, we are continuing to see quite significant shifts in our approaches to ways of working and the integration of AI in our workplaces, all set against the backdrop of a turbulent geopolitical landscape.
Join us at this Member Lead Insight & Exchange session to:
- Discuss how these circumstances may be affecting employees – what are members seeing? (impact on health, disengagement, turnover)
- Explore what members are doing to help employees to manage their response to periods of change and uncertainty
- Sharing ideas on how we navigate these changes with wellbeing at forefront of minds, supporting those who may be exiting the organisation as well as those remaining.
If you are a Member Lead, you should have received an invitation to join this event. Please email Ellen Wilson if you haven't received an invitation and would like to join what will be a stimulating and insightful conversation.