CEO Regulatory Roundtable

22 Jun 2021 08:30 - 10:00
Invitation only: CEOs from the banking and wider financial services sector discuss mental health and the workplace after the pandemic.
Chaired by Charles Randell, Chair of the FCA with contributions from Andrew Bailey, Governor of the Bank of England and Bradley Fried, Chair of the Court of the Bank of England, Ian Stuart, CEO of HSBC UK, Alison Cottrell, CEO of the Financial Services Culture Board.
The focus for the discussion will be on the lessons from Covid-19 and the implications for the mental health of employees. We will explore the benefits and concerns related to remote and hybrid working from a wellbeing perspective, how mental wellbeing is being considered as a part of plans for the return to the office and/or for new models for workplaces as well as the role of leadership to improve mental wellbeing in a post-Covid landscape.
To join email Vicki Haxton.