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City Mental Health Alliance launches in India

City Mental Health Alliance launches in India
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The CMHA hosted its inaugural event in India to mark the start of a commitment to creating a collaborative business community in  India

Our vision is to create mentally healthy workplaces and inspire health creation and protection in global businesses and cities. 

In line with our vision, to date we have set up in the UK, Hong Kong, Australia and Singapore. Now we have launched in India too.

For the launch we hosted our inaugural event. This marked the start of a commitment to creating a collaborative business community in  India   that will work together to improve mental health at work. 

Speakers included:

  • Atreyi Ganguli, WHO India
  • Mellener Coelho, Northern Trust
  • Surendra Rosha, Asia Pacific HSBC
  • John Flint, UK Infrastructure Bank

If you were unable to attend, you can watch  the recording here.  

About CMHA India 

Businesses have a role to play in taking action to support the mental health of their employees and it is for this reason that the CMHA has formed in  India , with founding members BNY Mellon, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, London Stock Exchange Group, Northern Trust, Standard Chartered Bank, and Unilever.

The focus and mission for CMHA India is to:

  • To put mental health on the Boardroom agenda
  • To challenge and reduce stigma associated with mental ill health through raising awareness and improving mental health literacy
  • To provide a framework for businesses to use in developing their approach, identifying practical steps that businesses can take to create healthy workplaces and support employees
  • To influence improvement in the provision and accessibility of quality mental health support

Benefits of CMHA India membership include:

  • Tools and resources created by business for business
  • Annual Thriving at Work Assessment and individual organisation report
  • Support and consultancy from CMHA Executive Team
  • Full programme of CMHA events for both senior leaders and operational leads
  • Access to network of business professionals - sharing of best practice, collaborative projects and sector specific insights
  • Opportunities to showcase and promote your organisation brand through CMHA PR/media campaigns
  • Opportunities to contribute and/or lead on workstreams of activity that support organisational goals

If you are interested in hearing more about membership, please contact