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Ukraine is in my thoughts

Ukraine is in my thoughts
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Poppy Jaman, Global CEO of CMHA shares her thoughts on Ukraine and the many individuals and nationalities impacted by war.

Ukraine is in my thoughts. My thoughts are, of course, with individuals of the many nationalities directly impacted by this war – those who have died, are bereaved, are hiding in shelters or are fearful for and trying to help family, friends and colleagues affected. But I also want to recognise the feelings of helplessness as war unfolds, pain in seeing the tragedy of those directly affected, and anxiety about what comes next that is affecting so many of us. And this is layered on top of two years of anxiety and uncertainty. People across the world have felt the shockwaves from a relentless series of traumatic events, including a global pandemic, tragic events in Afghanistan, the clear impact of climate change, a painful reckoning with racism. And now, war in Europe.

As a mental health ambassador, I am acknowledging the impact on everyone’s wellbeing and ensuring that I am creating safe spaces within my sphere of influence for people to share, listen and connect. In the face of this challenge, we can all play a role to support and protect the wellbeing of people who have been impacted and are struggling. I have said it many times that the difference between empathy and compassion is action, and right now I am seeing colleagues from around the world step into action. This includes our workspaces/places that are a ready-made community for so many of us. They can play an important role in holding hope as well as giving pragmatic support.

 In the pandemic, it was heartening how quickly so many businesses moved to support the mental health of their people. How so many leaders worked to create environments that allowed their people to recognise their anxiety and feel comfortable in asking for support. And now, for those employees directly affected by this war, with family and friends in Ukraine, Russia and surrounding countries, and for all those living with heightened anxiety, there is again a need to lead with compassion. 

 We can also provide a sense of purpose to our colleagues, by helping to channel energy into meaningful causes. We know that “giving” not only has a positive societal impact, but allows us to form connections, enhances meaning, provides a sense of purpose and supports our own positive wellbeing. In the last couple of years, I have been energised by working with businesses which have led on campaigns and initiatives committed to mental health, race, justice and equity. We need to continue our work on this.

And, importantly, in a world where political events are dividing us, employers can offer individuals a sense of belonging. We must be careful not to paint an entire community, nationality or group of people with the same brush on the basis of actions taken over which they had no control, and take care to avoid language that suggests this. At this time, there will be many colleagues who will be struggling with their sense of identity, and as always, the workplace should be a safe place for all to feel included and supported, regardless of their nationality and ethnicity.

I know that a lot has been asked of business leaders and HR, wellbeing and D&I teams over the last few years, and once again they find themselves in a situation that is unprecedented. The City Mental Health Alliance will continue to support our global business community as we did throughout the pandemic. We are creating safe spaces for conversations between businesses and mental health experts to allow our community to share how they are feeling and importantly exchange ideas for how to support their people in these difficult times. We will unpick which interventions work and share this knowledge widely so that everyone can learn and more people are supported.

But for right now, I am sitting quietly with all those affected in my thoughts. Perhaps you will join in me in pausing, taking a breath, being kind to ourselves and gathering strength for the positive action that will come next.


Click here for resources to help you, your employees and families at this time

* Photo by Tina Hartung on Unsplash