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CMHA launches Global Thriving At Work Framework

CMHA launches Global Thriving At Work Framework
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New frameworks lays out first global standard for mental health in the workplace

The City Mental Health Alliance (CMHA), the global not-for-profit community for mentally healthy businesses, has launched the Global Thriving at Work Framework. It is the first resource of its kind to set standards for global workplace mental health and will guide multi-national businesses to build workplaces that support the positive mental health of their people.

The Framework lays out three Pillars, which are strategic aims, that global organisations should work towards achieving in order to build a mentally healthy organisation. These three pillars provide businesses with a template for building a sustainable global mental health strategy. They are:


The Pillars are underpinned by evidence-based recommendations, including practical suggestions based on real business experience. These relate to areas such as challenging mental health stigma, people management and ways of working, and can be applied to different organisations, cultures, and industries. The CMHA’s Framework incorporates years of workplace mental health experience from across the CMHA membership of 54 large businesses, including Deloitte, Oliver Wyman, HSBC and Linklaters. It has also been informed by mental health experts, academic research and workplace reports. 

Poppy Jaman, CEO of the City Mental Health Alliance said: “As we face a global mental health crisis, every business has to be radical and relentless in its expectation of itself to support the mental health of its people. It is not just the right thing to do, it is key to building a sustainable business. A business where your people can stay well and thrive, even in challenging times. One where people want to stay and where people want to join. A business which is a good corporate citizen, an increasingly important measure for all stakeholders, including investors.”

“Over recent years we have seen a growing number of multinationals commit, or take steps to, support the mental health of their people across the world. The CMHA is sharing this business led, expert guided Global Framework to ensure that all multi-national organisations have the direction and guidance they need continue this journey. Now is the time to act.”

Steven Worrall, Managing Director of Microsoft Australia and Chair of the recently-launched Corporate Mental Health Alliance Australia (CMHAA) said:  “We’re excited to be a part of the global CMHA community, and by the timely release of the Global Thriving at Work Framework as we begin our program of work. Its development acknowledges the desire of business to establish a global standard for good practice in workplace mental health, and we look forward to seeing the benefits it brings to members, their employees, and to the wider business community as we all seek to provide mentally healthy workplaces for our people.”

Steve Appleton, Europe Regional Lead, from International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership, said:  “IIMHL welcomes the creation of this global standards framework for employers by our colleagues at CMHA. We are sure many of our members will find it of great help as they work with businesses and other employers to ensure improved workplace mental health. We are pleased to play our part in sharing it widely and encouraging its use.” 

The Global Thriving At Work Framework is designed to be used by organisations that are seeking to develop global mental health and wellbeing approaches, or it can also be used as a baseline for the development of programmes of work in countries and/or cities that are just starting their journey. This Global Framework does not replace the existing UK or HK Thriving At Work Guides , which are more detailed and have been tailored to those particular regions, but it does align with them. The framework includes a simple means of self-assessment that will allow businesses to measure their progress against the three pillars, to help them further embed change.

Jaman continued, “The development of this Framework shows the strength of the CMHA global community as its pool its knowledge, data and experience to create a unique guide.”


About the CMHA

The City Mental Health Alliance (CMHA) is a not-for-profit membership organisation which operates in the UK, Hong Kong and Australia. Members include Deloitte, Microsoft, HSBC and Linklaters. The CMHA believes that the workplace has an opportunity and a responsibility to protect, support and create positive mental health for their people so that they can thrive. The CMHA model brings together senior business leaders, HR, wellbeing and D&I professionals from members, along with mental health experts, people with lived experience and industry partners. By collaborating and sharing knowledge of what does and doesn’t work, supported by expert consultancy and practical support at both the operational and leadership level, members are able to accelerate their journey to building a mentally healthy workplace. The collective commitment of our members also means that the CMHA is leading a powerful movement for change in workplace mental health through sharing of knowledge and our work with industry influencers, regulators and Governments.