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CMHA UK Team Wellbeing Week

CMHA UK Team Wellbeing Week
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The CMHA UK Team share their plans for their upcoming wellbeing week where the whole team will be taking some time off work. 

Poppy:  This is the first year the CMHA UK team is implementing a rest and restoration week where the whole organisation is closed for a break. This is in addition to normal annual leave. I implemented two wellbeing weeks in my previous organisation where we would take a summer break and a winter break together. The benefits of this was that there wasn’t the usual email anxiety when you returned to your laptop and everyone had refreshed energy and something to talk about which enhanced connection and fostered a wellbeing culture.

Every day I feel lucky to be part of and to lead the awesome CMHA team. As the focus on workplace mental health has grown across the world, every one of us has gone over and above the call of duty last year to support each other and the global CMHA community of businesses to remain mentally healthy. We have contributed enormously back to wider society too and so it’s time for us to take a week together to rest and restore. Below the team share their plans for the week and I can’t wait to hear all about their time off.

For me, I will have zero laptop time. I will be searching for a new home near the sea, finding live music to top up my soul and wearing beautiful sarees in what I hope will be a sunny week.

Jaan: I’ve consciously kept my wellbeing week as empty as possible as I am really looking forward to switching off by having whole days stretch out before me. I am very excited to be waking up each day and making decisions on what I am going to do and have a feeling of living in the moment rather than a scheduled and planned day which is my usual experience. The only job I have got booked in is to build a shingle pathway in my garden. The first job.....move 1.5 tons of stones up to top terrace! 

Kate: I’m off to the Isle of Wight with my whole family – 10 of us in total - for some walking, playing on the beach and (hopefully) swimming in the sea. I’m taking the wetsuit along, as it doesn’t look like it’s going to be all that warm, sadly! I am also hoping to get some sailing in, as well, with my sister as we haven’t been able to go sailing together for over 2 years now due to Covid. I also haven’t seen my brother and his family in person for more than 18 months, so I am looking forward to giving them all big hugs.

Alison: I am really looking forward to spending the week taking some time out catching up with family and friends and making up for the last year. We plan to spend a few days in Cornwall and I cannot wait to be by the sea on some of Cornwall’s beautiful beaches and indulge in a few cream teas!  We are keeping fingers crossed it doesn’t rain – but whatever the weather brings, being close to nature, spending time with friends and family, and enjoying an indulgence or two will be the perfect way for me to recoup after this very busy year!

Hannah: I am looking forward to taking the week to relax at home. I will read, exercise, go for walks and enjoy the local beaches in what is looking like hopefully a sunny week in Vancouver! But most importantly, I will use the time to call my family and have some proper catch ups. Some of them I haven’t seen in over two years including my 95-year-old granny and two year old niece so it will be great to have some quality time to connect with my family. 

Catherine: I am going down to North Devon. We haven’t been since the children were young and we are all looking forward to some great meals, long walks and hopefully time spent reading in the sunshine. We will be going in the sea, come rain or shine!

Farimah: I’m looking forward to spending quality time with the family and catching up (face to face!) with some friends I haven’t seen since 2019. Counting down the minutes.

Jo:  I will be spending ‘Wellbeing Week’ having fun with my family! Days and meals out, trips to the countryside and the sea, making the most of being allowed to be ‘out out’ while also having time to do absolutely nothing if I choose! Knowing I will be shutting my computer down, not looking at my emails and that I am not causing delays to the rest of the team by not responding, coupled with knowing that when I get back my inbox won’t be quite so overwhelming, will truly allow me to switch off and rejuvenate. I can’t wait!

Vicki:  As someone that doesn’t really like to plan ahead that much (all the planning goes on at work!), I will be taking each day as it comes spending time with my daughter and our 8 month old Irish Water Spaniel, Hendrix (who’s destruction of the house isn’t doing wonders for my wellbeing, so the more we get to the beach the better!). My husband will be busy working, finally being able to go ahead with the annual jazz festival he produces; so me and these two will be following the forecast sunshine to the beach, rivers, streams and woods and there is much excitement about a long overdue visit (rescheduled 3 times) to ‘The Making of Harry Potter’ at Warner Brother Studios and an overnight stay at a Spa Hotel with my daughter and 2 of her besties. Fun times ahead!