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supporting young people in their transition into the workplace

Challenging perfectionism: supporting young people in their transition into the workplace

CMHA CEO Poppy Jaman shares why the CMHA is creating a gold standard for recruitment.

mhfa england social impact report

MHFA England social impact report

By CMHA CEO Poppy Jaman.


supporting graduate mental health

Supporting graduate mental health

CMHA CEO Poppy Jaman looks at the key takeaways from our graduate health event and outlines the CMHA’s four commitments to improving graduate health.

daughters recovery from an eating disorder

Alison’s story: supporting her daughter’s recovery from an eating disorder

Alison Unsted, Director of Strategy and Operations at the City Mental Health Alliance shares her experience of supporting her daughter through anorexia nervosa.


health creation in the workplace

Health creation in the workplace

CMHA CEO Poppy Jaman explores what health creation is and what's needed to develop health creating environments in the workplace.


nigel jones reflects on his time as cmha chair

Nigel Jones reflects on his time as CMHA chair

As Nigel Jones’ term as CMHA Chair comes to an end in May, he reflects on how far the city has come in creating a healthier work environment. 


cmha appoints new chair and deputy chair

The City Mental Health Alliance appoints new Chair and Deputy Chair

Brian Heyworth, Global Head of Client Strategy at HSBC Global Asset Management, appointed as Chair and - Beth Robotham, Executive Director at Goldman Sachs International in EMEA, appointed as Deputy Chair.

why I can now bring my whole self to work

Anastasia’s story: why I can now bring my whole self to work

Anastasia Vinnikova, Co-Chair of the Mental Health Network, at the Bank of England discusses how employers will be reaping the rewards of a more engaged, present and healthy workforce in the long-run if they look after peoples’ mental health.

challenging mental health stigma in the workplace

Shalah’s story: challenging mental health stigma in the workplace

Shalah Akhtar is a PwC Tax Manager and on the Thriving From The Start Network Committee. Here she shares her mental health experience and explains why workplaces need to create safe places where people feel they are being listened to.

putting mental health on the global agenda

Putting mental health on the global agenda

As we begin 2019, Brian Heyworth, CMHA International Vice-Chair discusses some of the initiatives we are working on.