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self-isolation taking a proactive approach for my mental health

Self-isolation: taking a proactive approach for my mental health

Hannah Winter from the CMHA shares how she is planning to protect her mental health whilst self-isolating.


supporting colleagues to stay mentally healthy in unusual working conditions

Supporting colleagues to stay mentally healthy in unusual working conditions

The Coronavirus outbreak means many people are working in unusual arrangements. The CMHA UK team has compiled this fact sheet detailing useful resources and tips to support you and the mental health of your employees.

kathryns story setting boundaries at work

Kathryn's story: setting boundaries at work

Kathryn Coleman, Manager, Tax at PwC shares her experience of social anxiety and why mental health doesn't discriminate 

the role of the employereducator collaboration in improving wellbeing

The role of the employer/educator collaboration in improving wellbeing

By Nigel Jones, Co-Founder of the CMHA and Advisory Group Chair at the CMHA


advice I would give to my 20 year old self

Advice I would give to my 20-year-old self

By Alex Lane, Operations Lead, Global Inclusion and Diversity, Accenture

managing someone whos open about their mental health condition

Managing someone who’s open about their mental health condition

By Paul Wright, Head of Inclusion and Sustainability, Bank of England


managers and mental health

Managers and mental health

Thomas Jones, Senior Associate at the Bank of England, shares how managers can best support the mental health of those they manage.

cmha timeline

CMHA Timeline

Key milestones for the CMHA since we launched back in 2012.


resetting capitalism creating businesses for purpose not just for profit

Resetting capitalism: creating businesses for purpose, not just for profit

Poppy Jaman OBE, CEO of the CMHA explains why businesses need to move away from the narrow objective of maximising projects and delivering short-term value to shareholders.

caitlins story choosing to open up about her experience of anorexia and depression

Caitlin’s story: choosing to open-up about her experience of anorexia and depression

Caitlin McFee, Trainee Solicitor at Linklaters, shares her experience of being diagnosed with anorexia and major depressive disorder and how she has accessed support due to ongoing anxiety at work. Now she has chosen to share her experience with others in the hope to encourage transparency and honesty about mental health in the workplace.