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Imposter syndrome early careers Thriving from the Start Deloitte Bank of England

What is imposter syndrome and how can we get past it?

A summary of the event the Thriving From The Start Network recently hosted on the topic “What is imposter syndrome and how can we get past it?”.

Perspectives impact hybrid working Bank of England

Will Banks shares his perspectives on the impact of hybrid working

Will Banks, an Analyst at the Bank of England and member of the Thriving From The Start Committee, shares his thoughts on how returning to the office more regularly has impacted on his wellbeing.

the impact of hybrid working on wellbeing Lloyds PwC Bank of England

Arun Aggarwal shares his experiences of the impact of hybrid working on wellbeing

Over the upcoming weeks, we'll be running a series of blog posts sharing perspectives on how the gradual move to hybrid working has affected their wellbeing.

Mental Health Leadership Deloitte imposter syndrome wellbeing

Mental Health Leadership: There is great power in vulnerability; it enables people to connect on a human level

Sharon Thorne is Global Chair of Deloitte. When we caught up with her recently, she began by talking about her experience with imposter syndrome and about the importance of being honest about these challenges.  

Mental Health Leadership Financial Services Culture Board employee wellbeing

Mental Health Leadership: Alison Cottrell, CEO of the Financial Services Culture Board

“In the latest Leadership Series, Alison Cottrell, CEO of the Financial Services Culture Board, shares how the pandemic and events such as Black Lives Matters have changed how banks engage with employees – “employees more likely to describe their firm as ‘caring’ and ‘supportive’”

Managing Pandemic Anxiety Project Green Ribbon

CMHA Singapore: Managing Pandemic Anxiety

CMHA Singapore recently held an event with Project Green Ribbon exploring how people can manage anxiety due to the pandemic.

Mental health at work Moscow Urban Forum Bank of England

Anastasia Vinnikova: speaking at the Moscow Urban Forum

Anastasia Vinnikova, Wellbeing Lead at the Bank of England discusses the impact societal attitudes towards mental health can have on our perception of our own wellbeing.

Mental Health Leadership Nigel Jones Linklaters

Mental Health Leadership: Nigel Jones

Nigel Jones, Co-Founder and Advisory Group Chair at the CMHA, stepped down from the CMHA Board in May. In this latest Leadership Series blog he reflects on  his time working with the organisation.  

mental health race workplace research impact racism wellbeing Lloyds

Mental Health and Race at Work research shows negative impact of racism and Covid 19 on workplace wellbeing

City Mental Health Alliance in partnership with Lloyds Banking Group launch Mental Health and Race At Work Research Report

PwC workplace mental health leadership culture

Mental Health Leadership: “No-one’s exempt from life events” – Matt Thorogood

We caught up with Matt Thorogood, Head of Partner Office, to hear about their journey towards a mentally healthy culture at PwC.